Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Caring in Nursing - 1416 Words
The statement:†In an age where the scientific and the technological are weighed heavily (and often favorably) in human progress, the need to emphasize the humanizing ingredient of compassion . . . is urgent†(Roach 1987, p. 61 You are required to adopt a position on this statement (agree or disagree/take a side) and construct an argument to support your case. Your argument must be supported with evidence from a variety of relevant information sources This assignment asks Bachelor of Nursing students to adopt a position on a statement - an abbreviated quote from Roach (1987), constructing an argument supported by evidence from a variety of relevant information sources. This assignment will review literature pertaining to theoretical†¦show more content†¦Nurses care for their patients, sympathise and empathise with their patients, but they do not suffer with them. For if they did taking this to its logical or illogical conclusion would be that nurses die with their patients. Nurses do however grieve with and for their dying patients. The words ‘nurse’, ‘nurture’, and ‘nourish’ are derived from the same latin root ‘nutrix’ a roman slave woman whose function was to suckle children other than her own; that is a wet nurse. Thus implicitly the word ‘nurse’ evokes a gendered identity. This idea identity was cemented in place by Nightingale (1860) in the first modern attempt to define the role of a nurse: THE following notes . . . are meant simply to give hints for thought to women who have personal charge of the health of others. Every woman . . . has, at one time or another of her life, charge of the personal health of somebody, whether child or invalid,–in other words, every woman is a nurse. . . . It is recognized as the knowledge which every one ought to have–distinct from medical knowledge, which only a profession can have. [Preface] Thus nursing became medicine’s handmaiden; the nurse subservient to the doctor. Nursing was the art of caring, while medicine was the science of healing. This is a dichotomy central to the modern health care industry (Musk, 2004.) - nurses need to be technologically competent while remaining caring. Competence is the second of Roach’sShow MoreRelatedCaring : Caring And Nursing1080 Words  | 5 PagesCaring Reflection Nurses have the reputation of being caring. They run to your bedside when you call and are there to support you through your visit. Ideally, their purpose is to nurse us back to health. Nurses should focus on their ability to care for patients, as it enables a strong professional nurse and patient relationship, but they should also know their limits. Caring and Nursing Definition of Care. When I think of caring, I think of showing concern or compassion for someone. Caring is extremelyRead MoreNursing : Philosophy Of Caring Essay1606 Words  | 7 PagesPhilosophy of Caring in Nursing To care is to feel compassion towards someone or something. 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